Photo of Peter Noblett
Hi, Welcome To My Website

Stylized Name of Peter Noblett

I am an experienced software developer specializing in data analysis and owner of Performwork Ltd which provide project management and goal management web tools. Our free online project management course is at - Our goal managment offering is at and our project management tool at

As well as developing the Performwork range of project management tools and courses I have, for the last 6 years, been employed, albeit on a part time basis, as a researcher and as such have worked on over 200 research projects. With projects ranging in size from a couple of hours to 40 days. The biggest being designing, building and now maintaining, a medical data warehouse that currently holds nearly 1.5 billion rows of data.

Prior to that I spent around 10 years working on a variety of staff assessment projects in both the private and public sectors. The earlier part of my career involved a diverse range of projects in the manufacturing, property management and financial sectors. I developed the Performwork project management model from my wealth of experience of managing a variety of small projects.


Business Intelligence Application Developer

Back Office Database (SQL) Developer - including design and building of custom dlls

Business Analyst

Full Stack Developer - HTML, JavaScript, Bootstrap (3 & 5), C#, VB.NET, MSSQL

IT Architect - Small Systems

Data Warehousing:

  • Design
  • Build
  • Maintain
  • Bespoke Report Generators

Major Projects Have Included

Project Management Tools

Role: System Architect, End To End Developer
Bootstrap, C#, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, VB.Net***

* SAS websites using N-tier architecture

Medical Data Warehouse

Role: System Architect, End To End Developer
HTML, JavaScript, VB.Net

Contains 25+ million cases

Over a billion rows of data

Generates 300+ monthly reports

Warehouse is a 2 tier MS SQL 2017 platform

Training and Professional Knowledge Website

Roles: Sytem Architect, Project Manager, Senior Developer

34,000+ users

Included an activity audit trail

Integrated to 3rd party training courses

Stored test scores from 3rd party courses

Commercial Property Management

Roles: Sytem Architect, Project Manager, Senior Developer

Staff Assessment Tools

Roles: Sytem Architect, Project Manager, Senior Developer

Costing, Quotation Apps
(Packaging Industry)

Roles: Sytem Architect, Project Manager, Senior Developer

Recent Projects

My Games


My Books

My Papers


999 telephone triage: a comparison of UK ambulance nurse and paramedic case mix, outcomes and audit compliance
Publication: ​​International Journal of Emergency Services


Music, Walking
Favourite walk is Pen Milan in the Brecon Beacons - because nobody goes there



© 2016-2024 Peter J A Noblett. All rights reserved. Last updated 21/06/2024

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